Monday, January 28, 2013

The Answer

The perfection of myself
Is knowing that I am not
I lay the anger at my feet
Trying to rearrange the life I was given
To bringing a meaning
Of why I am here
It is so easily forgotten
How simple a smile
Can remind me
Can really help to not take this for granted
There are so many chances not taken
So many yet to be seen
As I rest my tired head
Waiting for the end
Holding on a line
That may never be answered
Listening for a voice in silence
Looking for a light in the darkness
Those things may never wind up being
Meant for me
Just a thought
Being saddled to the idea of freedom
Isn’t really living free
It’s a wish on a fallen star
A goodbye when you still really care
I count backwards
Walking forwards
Erasing all the bad memories
That left me fragile
That showed my weakness
I found the kindness in others eyes
The comfort in an embrace
The promise of a better day
In a way that no amount of time
Alone could ever offer

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Think Ahead

Try to be something you have always wanted to be
Try something you've only wished you could do
Figure out whats been holding you back
Why you've been treading in place
Remove the road blocks
And get ready to start anew
There will be time you won't believe
That the sun rose just for you
Or wonder why you feel so alone
And why time must stand still
While others keep moving along
You feel the distance closing in
Believing yesterday's news
Is all you can do
Hoping for tomorrow to be a surprise
Thinking before speaking can rescue you
While acting without it makes you brave
Feeling stuck and quickly sinking
Your out of luck and taken advantage of
There is always a chance to become stronger
Than the day before
Leaving your sadness at the door
Checking in with a new attitude
May make the days brighter
And your heart without a doubt
Will soon feel so much lighter
Goodbyes aren't as finally as they sound
But a new chapter may be in the works
Stringing words together
To finally express the emotions
That have been locked up for so long
Taking a stand and trying something new
Maybe just what you've needed all along

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

For You

The wind sings a song
For lovers like us tonight
I've come to your side
with my best disguise
And though you see through
The mask I wear
Afraid to be myself
Scared you may disappear
Darkness rests on the horizon
The madness escapes
In the words I write
For no one but you
I paint the picture of who
You thought you knew
I mend letters into words
For love songs
That my heart sings for you
I have sacrificed happiness
To see you smile
My hands and knees bleed
From the crawling
I've done to reach you
While I dance in and out
Of the shadows edge
Keeping myself secret
Keeping my heart safe
I'm bending myself
Into a shape that's fits into you
Trying to remain pure and simple
But we somehow get tangled
In the complications of our lives
We no longer separate
So we now feel complete
The possible potential becomes
Our new reality
Flood of emotion and truth
Have over taken these walls
Exposing me for what you've
Needed all along

Monday, January 7, 2013

My Greatest Love

Words of wisdom
They see you through
On your darkest nights
They bring you comfort
When your standing alone
At the edge of the world
They brace the impact
Of the harsh reality of life
They carry your heart
Soaring in a starless night
My words leave traces
Footprints on your soul
I'm not an angel
I've never appeared to be
Anything less anything more
Than just what you need
I give you the power to fight
The strength you never knew you held
I push you to be greater
Then you ever thought possible
I will empty my load
Just to carry yours instead
I've exchanged my happiness
To see you smile
Through all my pain
The tears I wipe away
Will eventually run dry
I whisper words of encouragement
Not really sure you heard them
While you are out living your life
But always know I was proud
That you were once called just mine
That my life may have been meaningless
Till you arrived
And in the end your the one who changed me
You gave me a name
That was never said by another
The mistakes I've made left in the past
Since you gave me a future
Grateful I made it to you just in time
When my life was sinking into the unknown
I had a reason to stay afloat
I remain in your background
But close in your heart
For you are my child
My greatest love
Was saved just for you

Friday, January 4, 2013

My Story, My Song

My story
My song
Meaningless words
Written for only me
I laugh with tears in these tired eyes
Memories holding me together
I remember the days I felt lighter
That anything seemed possible
That the future was yet to be written
Now I am stuck, my life on repeat
I live the mistakes over and over again
Punishing myself
Tearing myself apart a little at a time
There is no break in the clouds today
The rain falls
Leaving stains upon my heart
Traces of only who I was
Now only meaning of what I am
And the person I became
So far from where was planned
How to escape without disappearing
Or maybe I already have
I've given up and walked away
When things got hard
Undependable, I have been
Unable to count on myself
The walls close in
Keeping me hidden
Protection from myself
Fading into the background
I mourn the loss of hope
There is no room for me to turn
No space to breathe
Its a lot like suffocating
Being in this life is exhausted
The reserves of feelings
That I once had
I pulled the plug on this drain
Keeping things only created
Less space for me to exist
I've sold out all the things
That made me who I once was
But these words I hold
Are the last thing
Now I release them
Taking pride one last time
From something that was just mine
That only existed for a moment in time
Now its out there for others to share
To take and to make their own
But in the beginning it was my story
The melody was my song
And it haunts me still