Friday, February 22, 2013

All is not lost

The sunlight stains my skin
Leaving traces of the days mistakes
Broken down
Lost and forgotten in my head
Your heart a glimmering beacon
In my storm the smell of the sea
The unforgiving waves
Swallowing me whole
My safety net
Being held in your arms
Lifting me back to the surface
Allowing me to catch my breathe
For my fingertips to reach the stars
Looming over head
Breaking skies opening up
Hands of hope extend their kindness
Catching my tears
I’ll stay here
Ride out this mess
Do you really hear the words I speak?
The feelings I portray
That sometimes I just need a friend
I call out names
Muffled, with despair
I close the door
Shutting myself in this darkness
Your light flickers in my window
Reminding me there’s a place
As long you are around
To reel me back to reality
That things may seem lost
With a new perspective
They can be found

Monday, February 18, 2013

Alley Way Love

Star song that rest on my lips

Tasting of champagne and cigarettes

The words engulfed

In clouds of white smoke

Fingertips make trails

Dreams blurred into the concrete pavement

So tightly wound together

Wanting to make sense

Riding this wave of passion out

Unable to come up for breathe

I cannot take anything less

My insides exposed on my sleeve

Baring the weight of your eyes

Tasting the favor of you tears

This was once simple

The flames grew higher

Burning what was left of us

Unable to free my hands

Tangled in your hair

My heart grown roots to yours

Leave again

Start somewhere new

But I realized I still needed you

So here we are again

You’re pressed so tight

You may seep through me

You complicate this world of mine

Crashing into me

Creating something new