Monday, June 23, 2014

Are you there?

Reaching out in the darkness
I feel your touch
My fears suddenly melt away
Testing my boundaries of faith
I hear your voice
Telling me you've never left
You hear my words
I whisper when I am alone
How can this be you were just here with me
But its been years since you took your last breath
Your voice starts to drift further away
I can no longer make out your face
A blur among the tears that stain my pillows
I grab for you wishing to hold you here
Selfishly wanting you to never leave
My mind and my heart play tricks on me
One second I am fine the next I am not
It was so long ago but the wound still bleeds
How does this hurt go away
Or will it always be this way
You leave me traces
So I know that you were here
Every time I feel you've gone
I smell you and feel the warmth of your embrace
Its only for a moment
But its been worth the wait
My heart aches for you
My life moves on
Even though you are gone
Gone to a place I cannot go
Off to the unknown
When I doubt that I will feel you again
I start to wonder
"Are you there"
But I know the truth
That I try to conceal
You are gone, my memories are now where you belong