Be me, the haunting ghost
that’s left behind
The heart that has turned to
Unrecognizable, I stand alone
Crossing those same lines
Pushing past the unknown
Determined to make it on my
Fighting back all those lonely
That I could possibly succeed
Starring myself down
Facing the doubt that lingers
Pushing it aside and taking
that leap
To better myself to make me
I may be naïve to think
That things are beginning to
falling into place
I don’t believe in anything I
cannot feel
Even if it is not entirely
Reflection of the years behind
And all the things I could
have been
Today starts with one step
That will eventually lead to
Leading me on a journey
An exploration of who I am
The things I could be capable
of are endless
As long as I believe and never
stop moving
My journey will have
A destination
A future
I will be who I have always
meant to be
Just by moving forward.